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Explore LGBTQ+ related research participation opportunities.

WVU Research

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

SURE is a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience for students interested in graduate school and research/creative work within their discipline or a related discipline. Students potentially interested in research as a career are especially encouraged to apply. Selected students complete research at West Virginia University (WVU) for 8 weeks during the summer under the direction of a WVU faculty research mentor and a graduate or post-doctoral mentor.

Participating students receive a stipend of $5000 and are expected to research full-time (average of 40 hours per week or 320 hours over the course of 8 weeks). Applicants must identify a faculty research mentor upon application to the SURE program. If you need help finding a mentor, please reach out to to set up an appointment.

All SURE participants will be registered for a one-credit hour research class that will run for the duration of the program. This course will include online assignments as well as attendance at periodic workshops and seminars.

All SURE participants are required to pay the tuition and fees associated with this one-credit hour research class which vary depending on in-state/out-of-state and by college/school.

SURE Program Dates: May 27 - July 25, 2025.

Robert F. Munn Library Scholars Award

West Virginia University Libraries invites undergraduate students who wrote an exceptional humanities or social sciences research paper this 2024-25 academic year to submit their work for consideration for the  Robert F. Munn Library Scholars Award.

This award is presented annually for outstanding research papers in the humanities or social sciences. Winners will be awarded $1,000 and publicly recognized by the University and the Libraries.

To be eligible, applicants must: 

  • Be a student enrolled at WVU as a full-time undergraduate student in good academic standing; 
  • Have conducted original research using resources from WVU Libraries and 
  • Have used this research to produce a paper that reflects individual work, not that of a group or class project. 

The deadline to submit is Friday, June 6.

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Undergraduates from all majors are invited to submit abstracts for presentation of scholarly works at the ninth annual Undergraduate Spring Symposium slated for April 24 in the Mountainlair Ballrooms.

Abstracts are due by 11:59 p.m. on March 31.

Outside Research

We're happy to further academic study and support student success. This is where people can find research opportunities from organizations outside of West Virginia University. We are proud to share research that furthers the understanding of topics related to LGBTQ+ Identities, and that could improve the experiences of LGBTQ+ people in higher education.

Paid Undergraduate Summer Research Program

10-Week Training Camp
Usual Stipend: $5,500-$6,000
Applications Due: Mar 1, 2025

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is accepting applications for their 10-week, intensive undergraduate Summer Research Program. This program provides a unique chance for students to immerse themselves in research within cutting-edge facilities while gaining insights into graduate school life at a Big Ten institution. Their commitment to quality mentoring is reflected in a selective approach, as UNL limits their summer offerings to active research labs and projects led by faculty known for their excellence in guiding undergraduate students. Learn how to apply, and submit your application by March 1, 2025.

Ace + Trans/Nonbinary Qualitative Research

National Study: Take part in the first national U.S. study of undergrads and grad students who are both ace and trans and/or nonbinary!This research is being carried out by Genny Beemyn (UMass Amherst) and Shay Valley (University at Buffalo). We are leading scholars in trans and ace studies and identify as ace and/or trans ourselves. We are conducting this research to give voice to and better understand the experiences of ace trans/nonbinary colleges students and will make the findings widely available in both academic and community settings.

The study involves taking a 20-30 minute survey and doing a 60-90 minute follow-up Zoom interview, where participants will be asked questions related to identifying as ace and trans/nonbinary and what their experiences have been as ace trans/nonbinary people. Students who complete both the survey and interview will be entered into a raffle to possibly win one of four $50 gift cards.

Individuals are eligible to participate in this study if they identify as ace (e.g., asexual, demi, gray) and trans and/or nonbinary (e.g., agender, genderfluid, genderqueer, demi, trans man, trans woman). Participants should also be a current undergraduate or graduate student at a U.S. college or university. To avoid any undue influence, the researchers will not include any participants from the institutions where they work (i.e., UMass Amherst and the University at Buffalo).

Young Adults, Chronic Pain, and the Healthcare System

Dissertation study to learn about the experiences young adults (ages 18-24) living with chronic pain have in the healthcare system.

POWER LGBTQ+ Eligibility Survey  

This research is IRB approved.

Eligibility survey for college students to participate in the  Promotion of Wellness, Empowerment, and Resilience (POWER) study for LGBTQ+ Students.

Research will involve discussing your sexual relationships, sexual orientation, substance use, and other behaviors.

Transgender and Nonbinary Faculty

This research is IRB approved.

Faculty members may participate in a doctoral study from University of Tennessee, Knoxville about their experiences in higher education.