Please note: The list is always kept up to date. The map may be incomplete.
Downtown Campus
- Maple House - First floor, ADA-accessible
- Mountainlair - Second floor near Ballrooms
- Armstrong Hall - 102, 202, 302, 402
- Hodges Hall - Second Floor, Room 237
- Knapp Hall - B12A, 109
- Martin Hall - Third floor, 110, G6
- E. Moore Hall - 305, 112A, 206A
- Reynolds Hall - on each floor by the gendered restrooms
- White Hall - 3rd Floor Annex
- Life Sciences Building - Basement B-4
- Chemistry Research Laboratory (CRL) - Rooms 275 and 575
- Downtown Library - 2nd floor, around the corner from the men's room
Evansdale Campus
- Agricultural Sciences – 2nd floor across from 2112
Creative Arts Center - 1st floor
- Evansdale Library – across from 205
- Law School – new wing/2nd floor
Health Sciences
- 2033B North
- 2047C North
- G133A North
- 1265B South
- 3725 South
- 4728 South
- 5728 South
- 5729 South
- 6729 South
- 7729 South
- 8712 South
- G284C South
- 2244E South
- B841
- G875A
- G874
- G874A
- G875
- G876
- G878
WVU Medical Centers
- LEVEL 1 - 1A03, 1A04
- LEVEL 2 - 2A50A*
- LEVEL 3 - 3A18, 3A19, 3G23, 3A70A, 3B31, 3B32, 3D01A, 3D08C
- LEVEL 5 - 5A03, 5F05A
- LEVEL 6 - 6A68, 6A69, 6C86, 6C87, 6F04A
- LEVEL 7 - 7A11, 7A68, 7F06
- LEVEL 8 - 8A11, 8A68
- LEVEL 9 - 9A11, 9A68
- LEVEL 10 - 10A11, 10A68
- LEVEL 1 - 1H137, 1H138
- LEVEL 3 - 3H74, 3H75, 3H95, 3H96, 3H97
- LEVEL 4 - 4H28, 4H29
- LEVEL 5 - 5H75, 5H76
- LEVEL 6 - 6H75, 6H76
- LEVEL 7 - 7H96, 7H98
- LEVEL 8 - 8H75, 8H76
- LEVEL 9 - 9H75, 9H76
- LEVEL 10 - 10H74, 10H75
- LEVEL 2 - 2P504A
- LEVEL 3 - 3P010
- LEVEL 4 - 4P002A
- LEVEL 1 - E147*
- LEVEL 2 - E264
- LEVEL 3 - E344, E345
- LEVEL 1 - 1A03C
Please help us keep this list updated!
If you know of any information we’re missing, know of any place that could use a gender inclusive restroom, or are having difficulties with using gender inclusive restrooms on campus, let us know: